Novpop.exe is a Process Associated with Malicious Cryptominers

Novpop.exe is an executable file associated with crypto-jacking or crypto-mining malware. These types of threats have grown in popularity among…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 2 Min Read

The Kimsuky APT Group Releases a Trio of Threats That Can Obtain Remote Control Over Your Devices – FastFire, FastViewer and FastSpy

Advanced Persistent Threats or APTs are cyber threat actors, most often operated or sponsored by nation states. These groups aim…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 3 Min Read

BOZQ Ransomware Joins the STOP/Djvu Ransomware Family

BOZQ Ransomware is yet another malicious infection under the ever-growing umbrella of the STOP/Djvu Ransomware family. Like other related variants,…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 3 Min Read

Weather Zero Displays Advertisements

Annoying potentially unwanted programs, adware and browser hijackers, can bombard users with ads. In most cases, potentially unwanted programs or…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 3 Min Read

ZEUS Ransomware is Another Variant of Chaos Ransomware

Chaos Ransomware was originally thought to be a variant of the infamous Ryuk Ransomware, but upon subsequent research, the initial…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 3 Min Read

FATP Ransomware Joins the Growing STOP/Djvu Ransomware Family

The STOP/Djvu Ransomware family has been a constant in the malware world over the past several years, and the gang…

rivitmedia_admin rivitmedia_admin 3 Min Read’s Online Scam Generates Phony “You’ve Visited an Illegal Infected Website” Security Alert Pop-Ups

The website may deceive  unsuspecting visitors by displaying a misleading 'You've visited an ‘illegal infected website’ message. If users are constantly…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 3 Min Read

The Legitimate ‘vbc.exe’ Process is Often Impersonated By Malware

The vbc.exe process is a legitimate computer process associated with the VBConversions Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard program, which helps convert…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 3 Min Read

UYRO Ransomware Joins the Ever-Growing STOP/Djvu Ransomware Family

The STOP/Djvu Ransomware family continues to be a constant in the malware world, and the group strikes again with UYRO…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 3 Min Read

How to Protect Your System from the MPPN Ransomware, a new Variant of the Ever-Growing STOP/Djvu Ransomware Family?

MPPN Ransomware has been discovered as another variant within the prolific STOP/Djvu Ransomware family. Like other strains connected to the…

riviTMedia Research riviTMedia Research 4 Min Read