Typiccor.com is a suspicious website that attempts to overstep its boundaries by using an increasingly popular method to deceive users. Typiccor.com pretends to conduct a CAPTCHA check to trick users into clicking the ‘Allow’ button and subscribing to the site’s push notifications. Typiccor.com may show users questionable content or trigger redirects to third-party pages that may contain harmful material. The way Typiccor.com behaves is in part based on geolocation, which the website can determine via the user’s IP address.
Typiccor.com behaves like the plethora of other similar sites running this increasingly common Push Notification scheme, as users who land on the site are shown an image of a robot accompanied by the following message:
“Click ‘Allow’ if you are not a robot”
If users fall for the website’s scheme and click the ‘Allow’ button to subscribe to the site’s push notifications, they will experience a drastic increase in the advertisements they see on the affected computer. Simply closing the browser at that point will have no impact on the Typiccor.com activities.
How Do I Reverse Computer Changes Related to Typiccor.com?
To prevent behavioral changes on your computer related to Typiccor.com, you will have to reverse any permissions granted to the site via your browser’s settings menu. You should also scan your computer with a reputable malware remediation tool for any potentially unwanted programs or adware that you may have downloaded due to interacting with Typiccor.com.