Mimikatz or Hacktool.mimikatz is a post-exploitation tool used primarily to clear passwords, PIN numbers, and other information from your computer’s storage. Although Mimikatz is not classified as a high-risk tool, it, unfortunately, can be destructive in the wrong hands, as it can give an attacker access to your computer by corrupting certain Windows operating system capabilities.
When you are in the midst of a Mimikatz attack, its controllers can inject DLLs into random processes, export security certificates, recover plain text passwords from Windows, disable certain logins and security services, erase some privileges and evade a few Group Policy settings.
That is an extraordinary level of access to give a hacker. Although the purpose of this software and its creation was to help victims after an exploit, it is gaining popularity in the online criminal underworld because of its functionality.
How Do I Remove Mimikatz from My Computer?
If you think that you have unwittingly had Hacktool.mimikatz installed on your computer, you should immediately scan for and remove elements of this software with the help of a reputable malware remediation tool.